poems by

art gomez

Leading The Eye

I recall her image as she entered through
eye lens onto my single reflex mind
All sound was muted as if intrusion
of this other sense would interfere with
her tonal range on
my framed exposure

I self-confess the guilt
of a visual creature
as I could not turn from her view

Her quality of light was beyond
my ability to adjust focus
Her movements became a merciful
blur to soften my development

Her being, an abstract reflection on
my interior still life
Her woman’s form
double exposed
filtered my camera obscura ego

She remains within me
a wondrous
contrast to diffuse my darkroom excess

Soul Dragon

Between then and now and
yet to be I won’t forget what you meant
to me
what I can and can not see
I know
what you still mean to me

I’d drag my soul across hot coals
a molten ribbon river of the mind
snaking meandering
in and out and

Between            Between

Between the witness of cartoon irreverence
Between participants in charcoal sketches that
smear if
rubbed or
dampened by the sweat of life
I’d drag my soul across hot coals

In between
Between this and that
weaving wavering wishing wearily wanting --- \/\/\/\/\/\/\/whew…

Between and in between
I’d drag my soul across hot coals

I won’t forget what you meant
to me
a molten ribbon river of remembrance
with hot coals for
my soul
And though I don’t know what
I see
I do know what you meant
and mean
to me

Coldest Night

A few words
Your turn of a shoulder
chilled to the bone
Caught in a tempest, unsheltered,
our love’s warmth was wicked away
as affection evaporated
We wiped our mood’s droplets
to face clouds of diminished temperature

Your reasons will not matter after tonight
Reason and rationalization cocoon only an instant
as past promise fragments to fray our blanket trust
Bitter winds will whine to freeze-frame our moment

I was reminded of the young man who
hitched cross-country
on a dark Flagstaff road
A diamond filled sky of frost mountain air
smelled good but was
difficult to enjoy through
chattering teeth
Shivers replaced sleep until morning

He was naive enough to believe that would be the coldest night of my life

Womb Of Communion

After confession
night sweats are borne
through inter-connected love
Unbridled longing bathed in the lust
of two failed and frail

The course of our love's duet
sings flesh and finger hymns
Strum sweet body frets
Dueling percussive beats
drive the bottom end

As we become lost in gospel crescendo
intensities slowly increase
until cymbals crash
My Refrain --- Your Chorus
slowly fade to catechisms in silence

Tonight's confirmation needs
no forgiveness, extracts no penance
Through our sacramental atonement
conceived in numinous union
our vernal baptism delivers us

Echo In My Heart

There is a calling out – a sometime noiseless shout
Standing over the crater's edge to listen
With pricked up ears
To wonder at what is heard
Or not heard

There is a calling from within – a sometime deafening din
Standing over the crater's edge to peer
With piercing eyes
To ponder at what is seen
Or not seen

Is there a longing to hear what has not been heard?
To see what has not been seen?
To leap from the crater's edge into the -----
A chasm of no escape?
A wishing well? The chasm where no escape is wanted?

We are wired with the need to find ourselves
Both within and with others
Through sound, sight, and the senses that delight
Or frighten

The calling out seems empty if there is no return
That reverberates, bounces, reflects about the crater's boundaries
Between ridges until it circles back on itself
Unbound now boundless
To create an echo
In my heart

The heart's ability to be boundless
To create a sounding of love
A calling out to another
And the readiness to receive the circled sounds
Of joyous abandon from the other
Is strength of the human spirit

When love's echo is found in more than one heart
With a shared sound and sight and delight
The echo is as full as any cathedral bell tolling
Any Wurlitzer pipes filling a concert hall
And the echo in my heart is ours


Old Dog in Love

There goes that hungry hound
He's been sniffin' all around
Once upon a time or two his bone is lost
But every now and then his bone is found
That old hungry hound
Who keeps sniffin' around
And when it's found he's bound
to bark
"I'm in
I'm in
Ah-Woo Woo
I'm in
Puppy lovin' all or nothin'

He ain't woofin'
that love bound hound of renown
As he keeps sniffin' around
Up and down
around the town
And what's he found?
This sniffin' hound?
Who goes around?
Why nothin' more than a door
And doggone tails of lore
That lead to more
and more and more 'til he knows the score
Of tons of bones once lost from home
No longer alone these lost bones
Not with a sniffin' hound
Who goes around
Until they're found
And he's bound
to be in
"Grrrufff love"
"Ah-Woo Woo"



the seattle muse
Copyright 2010